Polygon Mesh Processing Library
No Matches
Version 1.0 Released

Feb 18, 2019

We are proud to announce the first official release of the Polygon Mesh Processing Library! Highlights include:

  • A simple and efficient mesh data structure for storing and processing polygonal surface meshes
  • Canonical geometry processing algorithms such as simplification, remeshing, subdivision, smoothing, or curvature computation
  • Ready-to-use visualization tools to build your own mesh processing applications
  • Compilation into JavaScript to build browser-based applications (demo)

See the changelog for a high-level summary of changes.

Get your own copy by cloning:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/pmp-library/pmp-library.git

Checkout the release tag:

cd pmp-library && git checkout 1.0.0

Configure and build:

mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make

Run the mesh processing app

./mpview ../external/pmp-data/off/bunny.off

If you encounter any glitches or problems please report the issue on our GitHub issue tracker.